Pedaling Towards a Sustainable Future: The Impact of the RE-CYCLING Project

At Velo Schools, we are dedicated to promoting sustainable mobility and active living through innovative educational programs. One of our flagship initiatives, RE-CYCLING: Bike Reuse and Riding Fair, co-funded by the Erasmus+ Sport Program, has made a significant impact by encouraging green mobility, circular economy principles, and healthy lifestyles among students and communities across Europe.

Reviving Cycling, Reducing Waste

The RE-CYCLING project emerged from two pressing needs: reintroducing physical activity to children post-pandemic and tackling the growing issue of bicycle waste. Kids quickly outgrow their bikes, leading to unnecessary waste and overconsumption. Our initiative addresses this challenge by offering bike reuse, repair workshops, and cycling fairs, instilling a culture of sustainability in the cycling world.

Key Achievements of the Project

Over the past year, RE-CYCLING has reached young cyclists, families, and educators in four European countries—North Macedonia, Austria, Italy, and France—through engaging activities, training programs, and community fairs. Here’s a snapshot of our success:

Knowledge Growth

Through our Green and Sustainable Biking training program, students gained valuable insights into circular economy concepts and sustainable cycling practices. Post-program surveys revealed significant improvements in awareness, particularly around bike repair and reuse.

Promoting Green Mobility

A core goal of RE-CYCLING was to encourage more students to cycle regularly. Despite some data collection challenges, survey responses showed strong enthusiasm for cycling, with safer infrastructure and peer support identified as key drivers for increased usage.

Lowering Environmental Footprints

We carefully measured the environmental impact of our RE-CYCLING fairs using CO₂ calculators, ensuring the events aligned with eco-friendly practices such as reducing waste, promoting short supply chains, and minimizing plastic usage. Although comparing emissions to similar events was challenging, we remain dedicated to refining our sustainability efforts.

Economic Impact and Bike Repair Success

A standout feature of RE-CYCLING was offering free bike repair services, which proved to be highly valuable. At the French RE-CYCLING fair, for example, nearly 100 bicycles were repaired, saving participants around €1,900. By keeping bikes in use longer, we not only reduced costs for families but also helped cut down on waste.

What’s Next?

The success of RE-CYCLING proves that small-scale circular economy initiatives can create meaningful change. Moving forward, we plan to:

  • Expand community engagement and bike repair services
  • Advocate for safer cycling infrastructure
  • Improve data collection to better measure our impact

By fostering sustainability in cycling, Velo Schools is helping students lead healthier, more active lives while contributing to a greener future. Want to get involved? Keep an eye on our upcoming projects and join us in making a positive difference.

Ride Green. Repair More. Waste Less.

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.

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