Тестирање на тренинг програма Еquip and Empower

На 27 Март во Парк Македонија, Скопје организравме двочасовен тренинг за младински работници и наставници на тема велосипедизам. Тренингот е дел од тренинг програмата Equip and Empower креирана за проектот Youth &Commute: A structured approach for improving the mobility of marginalized youth.

Тренинг беше наменет за наставници и младински работници за да се едуцираат на темите за одржлива мобилност, типови на велосипеди и нивна примена како и значајноста на редовното одржување на велосипеди.

Покрај младинските работници и наставници на тренингот беа присутни и партнерите на проектот со кои го одржавме последниот состанок во Скопје.

Автор Velo Schools

A Guide to Organizing Sustainable Cycling Events

Velo Schools is committed to promoting cycling as a sustainable and healthy mode of transportation. Through the Re-Cycling: Bike Reuse and Riding Fair project, we have worked to integrate circular economy principles into cycling events, ensuring they are environmentally friendly, well-organized, and engaging for the community. Our Guide for Grassroots Cycling and Recreational Events provides […]

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Pedaling Towards a Sustainable Future: The Impact of the RE-CYCLING Project

At Velo Schools, we are dedicated to promoting sustainable mobility and active living through innovative educational programs. One of our flagship initiatives, RE-CYCLING: Bike Reuse and Riding Fair, co-funded by the Erasmus+ Sport Program, has made a significant impact by encouraging green mobility, circular economy principles, and healthy lifestyles among students and communities across Europe. […]

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