Velo Schools is committed to promoting cycling as a sustainable and healthy mode of transportation. Through the Re-Cycling: Bike Reuse and Riding Fair project, we have worked to integrate circular economy principles into cycling events, ensuring they are environmentally friendly, well-organized, and engaging for the community. Our Guide for Grassroots Cycling and Recreational Events provides […]
Прочитај повеќеЕдукативните програми наменети за промовирање на велосипедизмот кај младите, создадени преку проектот Youth & Commute, обезбедуваат широк спектар на ресурси и алатки за младински работници и едукатори и социјални. Овие програми вклучуваат: 1.YOUTH AND COMMUTE Youtube канал ouTube каналот на Youth & Commute Project нуди практични видеа за урбан велосипедизам, покривајќи теми како безбедност на […]
Прочитај повеќеENOS – European Network of Outdoor Sports THE NETWORK “Taking action together for the sustainable and responsible development of outdoor sports across Europe” The objectives for ENOS link to the mission and these are: 1. Taking action and supporting responsible and sustainable access and use of landscape, marine areas, habitats and eco-systems. 2. Taking action […]
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